How Do You Build A Marketing Team? (Surefire Tips!)

Posted on September 10, 2021 by

One question I get asked quite frequently is “Krista, how do I build a solid marketing team?” Okay, that's a great question, and let me tell you, I've got an amazing marketing team, but here's how.

I treat my team members with the utmost respect and I don't take it lightly. They love working for me because I treat them well. Make sure you treat people well!

Team Structure and Positions

I look for people that specialize in things that maybe I'm not as good at. so for example how creative are they? Are they creative with design and maybe working in canva, are they good with copy and understanding good hooks and getting people to take action, i like finding marketing people that are constantly always listening to podcasts and learning and growing.

This is really essential whenever you're doing marketing because marketing changes on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis based on what's happening in the world. Our marketing efforts must change along with what's happening around us.

Example of Hiring A Good Marketing Team

Therefore, when I hire a good marketing team, I make sure they are willing to adapt, adjust, and learn. For example, if you're just starting out, it's tough to find a jack-of-all-trades but if you can find someone who knows how to create graphics, that would be great. Are they great with actual copy and creating good hooks and really speaking to somebody?

Marketing Team Vision

Likewise, I try to find individuals who know something about the client avatar. For example, if you are a real estate agent and you are hiring someone to be a marketer, make sure they understand the real estate industry. The more your marketing and your team communicate directly with someone, the more likely you are to convert.

When I speak to you, you feel as though she is speaking directly to me. She knows me, she understands my problems and my pains. If I make a connection with you, you're more likely to convert. 

Make sure that they understand who your client avatar is and if they don't, make sure they're willing to learn, to ask the right questions, to do deep dives, to ask questions. They need to be able to determine what your client avatar is thinking and to do this for your client audience. 

Video Marketing

One last BIG tip is to use video in your marketing. If you are new and you are trying to make it. If you just want to make a bigger impact and you want to do it more quickly then make sure you are using video marketing in your efforts. It's the fastest way for you to connect to get higher quality leads and more importantly to actually convert.  


These are some of the things I do to find a good marketing department and marketing team. You'll also need to be willing to listen to podcasts, read books, and educate yourself on a regular basis if you're just starting out. Marketing is of utmost importance! 

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