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Krista mashore

Krista Mashore

Real Estate Coach & Best Selling Author

Krista is a top 1% coach nationwide focusing on Sales and Marketing. Krista Mashore has been recognized by Wall Street Journal in The Top 100 Real Estate Agents in the U.S. and was in the top 1% of Realtors Nationwide for 19 years selling over 2,300 homes as a solo agent while in production.  Krista is the author of six best selling books focusing on Digital Marketing and Sales. She was named Yahoo Finance’s number 1 digital marketer to watch in 2021!  According to Success Magazine Krista was one the 125 most impactful leaders in 2022 alongside Tony Robbins. She has been featured in Forbes, Inman News, The Wall Street Journal, Fox and more!  Through her expertise in digital marketing and sales she has brought her Coaching business from Zero to 59 Million in 6 Years.

She is the recipient of 11 Two Comma-Club Awards, 2 Two Comma Club X Award, and one Two Comma Club C Award.

Krista has a master's degree in curriculum and instruction. Always being a teacher at heart, she loves serving people and has turned her attention to sharing the secrets of her successes by coaching agents and professionals across the nation. Through her coaching, teaching, speaking and training, Krista is revolutionizing the way agents and professionals market themselves online. She offers an innovative step-by-step approach on how agents and entrepreneurs can gain a massive digital footprint.

Learn how Krista overcame setbacks and changed the game >>
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Fired Up

with Krista Mashore

Podcast Focusing on relevant digital marketing strategies to help you dominate your industry. We don't hold back on this podcast. We say it like it is, and sometimes you may not like what you're hearing, but the information will take your business to the next level.

Perfection is Killing Your Success—Do THIS Instead, Ep (925)

Want to interview Krista?

The Movement

We are Community Market Leaders. We are not just Real Estate Agents and Lenders, we are UNSTOPPABLE visionaries! We are REVOLUTIONIZING the practice of real estate and CONTRADICTING the old school teaching methods and approach. We are LIFELONG learners!

We SERVE, we do not just sell! We strive for excellence for ourselves and our clients. We are changing the way Real Estate is done and how agents and lenders are looked at. We don’t rely on traditional measures for getting clients and generating leads. We focus on the FUTURE.


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