How To Deal With Trolls

Posted on July 30, 2021 by

You can't please everyone. But here are some quick tips you may want to use when dealing with trolls or negative clients! So what do you do when 99% of your customers love you, but there's that one client or customer that everything went wrong? There were problems you couldn't control and it just was an absolute nightmare. How do you not let this mess up your mindset and deal with these trolls?

Here's the thing. Truth be told, there's just some people that we are not going to impress. They're not going to like us, things that go wrong and sometimes it's out of your control. If you run into this type of person, it's usually that way because everything in their life is like that. Nothing in their life seems to go right and they are just taking it out on you.

Self Evaluate

This is when you really, truly evaluate the situation. Obviously you want to learn from every situation. What could you do better? What could you change, modify or adjust in the future if their concerns and their problems are valid?

But if they're not then take it for what it is. You know that you did a good job and you communicated well. You know that you give it your all and are experienced, caring and communicative. Then you can truly look in the mirror and say, yes, I did all those things and sometimes at that point then it's just best to move on.

It doesn't do you any good thinking about the one or two aholes that you just cannot please and most likely nobody can! Focus on the clients and the things that you're doing right.

Don't let the bloodsuckers and the energy suckers bring you down! Just self evaluate and if you can truly say, “hey I did my best”! You, you know, properly educated them before, during and after. Sometimes things just happen, it's out of your control and it is what it is and move on. Tell yourself that you did a good job. Learn from the mistakes and don't make them again, but do not focus on it.

Don't Focus On The Negative

So many of us focus on the things that we don't do well, that it takes away from all the things that we do well. Focus on the things that you're doing well, do more of them and just understand that sometimes you just can't please the aholes. And that's OK because you don't want to work with them anyways! Don't beat yourself up, move on, dust off and keep on going.

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