It's Friday Questions with Krista, how awesome is it to have a top racing agent at your fingertips to ask questions too?
Well, guess what? Now you do. Now we've got a question from Lisa D'Astuto.
Lisa asks “When growing a team, where do I find agents? What are agents looking for and what would cause them to make the switch?”
Good. Good. Good question.
So most times people are looking for a good environment to actually work in.
Did you know that people will be more likely to take less money as long as they're working in an environment or they feel appreciated and they're happy and it's a very team atmosphere. That's what people want. They want to feel good. They want to feel at home. They want to feel like they're being appreciated.
So what are agents looking for?
They're looking for support. They're looking for guidance and looking for help. They're also looking for systems and nice marketing.
They're looking to do things differently today than they've always been taught. And I think in most cases that that's what most agents and those companies are lacking.
They're still teaching agents the traditional old school methods of doing real estate. So look for somebody, Lisa, that you've worked with before. That's got great ethics. That's got great morals and values that you actually clicked with. And you could tell they really, really are service-oriented. They're serving their clients are not just interested about selling.
And that's a really good place to start.
Also, you can go to local real estate forums. You can go to local Facebook groups and find people that are really, really engaging in that community.
The more that they're engaging, it means they're probably an active, active agent. That's very, very helpful.
You've got Roper story. You can get a broker's story as well. That's a great place to find agents.
Now, again, that's a little bit of what they're looking for.
They're looking for support and looking for advice. They're looking for help. They're looking to have someone, an agent or a broker or a mentor. They can count on to help them grow. And don't be afraid of letting your team members grow. The more you help your team members grow, the more you help them stand out and do really, really well. They're not going to want to leave you, especially if you're given that awesome work-life environment.
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