Real estate can be a tough industry with lots of ups and downs. It can sometimes feel like you’re riding a roller coaster, wondering when the ride is going to be over.
But it doesn’t have to be like this. With the right strategies, you can reinvigorate your real estate business, get more leads, sell more homes, and earn top commissions.
I’m going to show you how to rise above the competition, educate yourself and your clients, and carve out a niche for yourself in today’s fast-paced real estate market. You’ll also find out how specialization and targeted content creation can elevate your standing in the real estate industry. You’ll learn the proven success strategies designed to increase your conversions and earn you higher commissions.
Ready? Let’s learn the top three strategies you can use right now to get paid top commissions as a realtor.
1. Don’t Be a Commodity
This one might seem kind of obvious, but you would be amazed how many realtors don’t follow this advice. Being a commodity means you’re doing what everyone else is doing. Using the same old-fashioned playbook that every other real estate agent is focused on.
Let me put it as plainly as possible: don’t do this!
You’ll never get to where you want to go with your real estate vision by doing what everyone else is doing.
When other agents are putting a sign out in the front yard, hosting an open house, or doing a broker tour, you need to be doing things differently. This is how you stand out from the competition—by mixing it up. When they zig, you need to zag!
Here are just three ways you can take a fresh approach to selling homes:
- Leverage technology in your real estate business, including artificial intelligence (or AI for short).
- Use video and social media in new ways to showcase your authority, add value to potential clients, and show them what it is you’re actually doing differently and how it can help them.
- Lean into video content.
For the third example in this list, I send all potential clients a 3-minute video before I meet with them that showcases how I use technology and innovation to showcase their properties. I explain exactly how I get literally thousands of views and hundreds of hours of watch time on every single video.
Why is this so important?
Because while my competitors are talking about doing an open house, I’m going to show clients that when you do these old-school techniques, you’re only reaching a small handful of people. But if you go with me, by leveraging technology, innovation, and marketing, I can reach hundreds of thousands of people.
Think. If you were shopping for a real estate agent, who would you rather choose? A traditional agent using tactics from the 1980s, or an agent in 2023 who is leveraging the power of AI?
2. Educate Yourself and Your Clients
I’m super passionate about the power of education. And not just educating your clients, but educating yourself, too.
Again, you’re never going to get where you want to go by doing the same things you’ve always done. Or maybe you’re just getting into the real estate game and are hearing lots of tips and tricks about how to sell more homes. But you’re not sure what really works… This is where education comes in.
Educate Yourself
Get educated! Invest in new tools and resources to help you level up your game. Take a course to learn what the top agents are doing differently. You need to make sure you’re on the cutting-edge of new technology for the sake of your business and your clients.
I can honestly say that my approach to education has been the single biggest key that enabled me to be in the top 1% of realtors nationwide for the 17 years when I was selling.
You have to stand out. And using technology and innovation is one of the best ways to do that. (Check out my article on the top five AI tools you need to be using to take your real estate business to the next level.)
Ask yourself: Am I doing the same things that were taught two, five, and ten years ago? Or am I harnessing the latest cutting-edge technologies and showcasing them in my marketing efforts? Am I serving and showing, not just telling people why they should use me?
Educate Your Clients
After you educate yourself, share that knowledge with your clients. Make sure you know what’s happening in their areas. Be ready to answer questions like these:
- What are people talking about?
- What’s new in their local markets?
- Is there a new community that’s forming?
- New developments?
- A new restaurant in the area?
- How have interest rates affected property values? Are they going up or going down?
- Is what’s happening nationally also happening locally—or is it different, and why?
These are the kinds of questions people are wondering about. And they’re looking to you as the expert.
You can also educate your clients by creating video content on the social media platforms that they use. Simply creating videos will automatically set you apart from the crowd.
Once you’ve created videos, spend a small amount of money on ad campaigns to get as much eyes and attention on your business as possible. (To learn more about how to use Facebook ads to bring in higher-quality leads, check out my article here.)
It really is amazing how few realtors are doing things differently. I have so many students who report back to me that no one is doing these types of things in their area.
3. Don’t Make It About You
Finally, here’s the last strategy to earn top commissions in real estate. When you’re creating video content, don’t just make it about you. Your customer needs to be the hero. You need to be shining a bright spotlight on the things that matter to them. Create video content that is useful, valuable, and interesting to them. Not just things that interest you.
Don’t just talk about how you’re the best, work with me! Or how you just sold a house. No! No! No!
Instead, talk about things that are unique and specific to your target audience.
The more you’re helping your client—adding value, answering their questions (by educating yourself!), addressing their desires and pain points—the more likely you will convert.
Drill Down Into Niches
Also, don’t be afraid to focus on specific niches. The old saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none” is true. If your content is speaking to everyone, it’s speaking to no one.
Here’s just one example. Let’s say you want to create a video with a headline that says, “It’s a great time to buy a property!”
While this can sometimes be good because it’s (1) nurturing current clients, (2) reminding previous clients about you, and (3) helping new people find you, it can also create issues for your business. Here’s why.
Let’s say there’s a veteran out there who doesn’t believe they can purchase a home. They don’t have a lot of money in the bank and their credit score isn’t very good.
If they see a video of a stranger on the Internet telling them that it’s supposedly a great time to buy a house, they’re most likely going to tune it out. They will just assume it doesn’t apply to them.
But what if you change the headline and the content?
Imagine what would happen if your video said this instead.
“Are you a veteran who doesn’t have a lot of money in the bank and a credit score that isn’t great? Did you know that you most likely qualify for a home because you served our country? Thank you so much, by the way.”
That same veteran who doesn’t have a lot of money and not great credit will suddenly be leaning in and listening to your message instead of tuning out. Now they’re reaching out to you to learn more. They become a qualified lead. And you can help them find their dream home. A win-win!
This is the power of focusing on niche markets. The most effective video content and ad campaigns are the ones that are as specific as you can be toward target audiences.
Invest in Yourself
These are the top three strategies to get top commissions as a real estate agent
If you implement them, you will start to see higher commissions. You’ll start to bring in more leads, get more testimonials from happy customers and will cause your real estate business to skyrocket.
Don’t wait for market conditions to improve to see results as a realtor. There are lots of ways you can be proactive and continue to bring in business despite industry trends, rising interest rates, and recessions.
Sign up for my three-day virtual masterclass that will show you how to outlast any market and become an unstoppable real estate agent. You’ll learn more best practices for video and social media platforms to establish your authority and engage with your target audience. You’ll also get a grasp on market trends, identify untapped opportunities, and learn the art of effective video education to ensure your message is heard.
If you want to transform your real estate career, join my Masterclass today!