What is the most powerful script any real estate agent or lender can use to generate leads? Well, honestly, if somebody tells you the number one script to use, they're probably full of it. And here's why: there isn’t just one. I've got some really great strategies to teach you, but here's what I want you to understand about scripts. They are specific to you and your client avatar. You need to understand exactly who you're talking to so that you know which scripts to use.
What is a client avatar? A client avatar is a representation of who it is that you want to work with. How you go about finding out your client avatar is by identifying who you want to work with and what kind of traits and qualities they have. You need to be able to understand anything and everything about them. Understand what keeps them up at night, what they get excited about, what problems they have, what their desires and dreams are. You need to know everything about them.
You also need to know their age, socioeconomic status, relationship status, if they have kids, how old their kids are, etc. Why do you need to know this? The more that you know about your client avatar, that person that you want to work with, the more that you can create scripts and content that really speak directly to that person.
Now, here's the deal when you are creating scripts or messaging, and you're speaking to everyone, you're really speaking to no one. If your messaging is too broad, no one will feel like you’re speaking specifically to them
When you understand exactly who your client is, exactly what they need, how you can help them and what they want, the more you're going to be able to create good scripts that actually speak to them. Now, let me tell you the style. When you know how to create scripts and what process you should go through, your videos actually get watched.
Creating video content is really important. But if nobody sees the videos, it does not make a difference. So, number one is you want to hook the viewer. What do I mean by hook the viewer? You don't want to start off by saying, “Hi, I'm Krista with Krista Mashore Coaching,” because you only have six seconds and that can be boring. There's actually been research that shows you've got six seconds to capture somebody's attention. And by saying your name and where you're from, you've lost their attention.
Go back and notice how I started this video. I said, “Do you want to learn how to create a script that actually gets watched and people will actually listen to?” That grabbed your attention and hooked you, right? I gave you a reason to want to keep listening. So, that's the first thing you're going to want to do.
Then you're going to want to identify with their feelings. So, it might say something like, “I know, I know. It's super hard knowing what scripts you should write. It can be sort of daunting.” You align with their feelings. That's step two. Let them know that you understand where they're at and how they feel.