Get ready to be F.I.R.E.D U.P! Because today we have John Racine, an Entrepreneur, Creator of the RESOLVE System, Author, Coach, and Consultant at Empowered Marketing Solutions, LLC. We will talk about how important it is to have the right mindset in our daily lives. We will discuss how to improve relationships with a business. Taking responsibility for yourself is the key to overcoming challenges.
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Hi, everyone. Are you ready to be fired up? Because I sure am. I've got John Racine here, and I'm hopefully saying that correctly, because I've tried it a couple of times. He is awesome. He's actually a great mindset coach. He's got so much going on. He has been through the wringer in his life. I'm going to let him tell you a little bit about him and where he comes from. If you're ready to be fired up by an entrepreneur who is actually crushing it right now and learning about his new challenge that he has coming up in September, then hang tight and let's get ready to get fired up.
Hi, John. How are you?
John Racine:
I'm doing awesome. Thanks so much for that wonderful intro. Yes, you did get the name perfect.
Good. I was telling him I'm a little hungry today. He's had to tell me a couple of times, because I need some food.
First of all, you're a Disney Nut, right? You love Disney, and you've got a Disney background.
John Racine:
I do. Yeah. I absolutely love Disney. When I was a kid it was my dream to work there.
John Racine:
I sure did. I actually geared my entire college career to being recruited by the Mouse, and on the day I graduated, I had a job at Walt Disney World.
That's awesome. Good for you. You worked at Walt Disney World?
John Racine:
I sure did, for about a year.
You know what's funny is, when I was younger … I'll never forget this. I was going through Disneyland, and the bells went off. I was their … Some weird number, like 50,000th customer, so I won these Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse dolls that were these super special dolls. I'll never forget it, going through that and winning that. It was the coolest thing ever. I was probably about three or four, and I still remember it like it happened yesterday!
John Racine:
Okay. Tell us a little bit about yourself. First of all, tell me a little bit about your backstory. I know you've gone through some challenges.
John Racine:
I have. I was born in Rhode Island. I was in the smallest city in the smallest state in the country, little city called Central Falls. Didn't really know much outside of my city until I was about age 10, and I actually came to Florida for the very first time and got to go to Walt Disney World. Fell in love with that, and decided I wanted to make that my career.
At the same time I was in the scouting program, found I had some talent for cooking. I took that talent for cooking and said, “How do I go work at Disney as a chef or maybe as a restaurant manager?” Found, in my own backyard, I had Johnson & Wales University, which is one of the best culinary schools in the world. I got accepted to go to school there early, got my degree.
When I graduated from college, I moved down to Orlando, had my job at Walt Disney World. I started. It was during the first Gulf War. It was actually 1994. I wasn't even hired in as a manager. I had spent all that time and money on my college degree, and I was hired as an hourly. But, three months to the day I started, I was promoted to a restaurant manager and started what I thought would be a very long career there. But, it ended up being a brief career with Walt Disney World, and roamed around from there, doing some retail, eventually getting into human resources for a good stretch of time.
Of course, right after college, I came out of college with college debt and tons of credit cards. That led to the first of my two bankruptcies that I had when I was pretty young, in my early twenties. Throughout that time, it was always this mindset of lack. Whenever I got money, I would spend it. Whenever I'd get a credit card, I'd max it. Really focused on all of that until a good amount of time later. I had the second bankruptcy and said, “You know what? Enough is enough. I need to get this mindset right.” Happy to report now that I have done that.
There's been other stuff that's come up in there, but really, that money mindset piece I struggled with from a kid born in a lower-middle-class family. My mom tells me that when I was a kid she was on welfare, and she hated it. She got off of it as quick as she could. Just really that lack that I created in my own mind that permeated my professional career, my business career, my relationships, and everything until I finally said, “Enough is enough,” and got it right.
I love that. Your intake form talked about your having two bankruptcies and having multiple failed businesses. Now you're wildly successful, and you've met presidents, and done some really cool things in your career.
I want to talk about the whole cooking thing really quickly. I love food, number one. You're a master culinary, obviously.
John Racine:
I do. I have a culinary degree. I was classically trained French, so I'm really good with French cuisine. Then my backup, number two, is Italian cuisine.
Oh, my gosh. I love that. Do you enjoy cooking?
John Racine:
What's that?
Do you enjoy cooking?
John Racine:
I love cooking, but I don't love cooking professionally. It got to the point where I didn't want to be in a restaurant kitchen anymore, but I still have a passion for it. If you look at my kitchen, it looks like the Williams Sonoma catalog because I have so many tools and gadgets in my kitchen. Yes, I absolutely love to cook. [inaudible 00:04:56] guilty pleasure is watching Food Network, and just about any cooking show.
Awesome. I love being creative with food. My thing is I get kind of boring. I'm trying to watch what I eat, and eat healthy, so I'm having a hard time eating healthy. How do I make these vegetables taste good? That's probably a whole ‘nother podcast I'd love to actually learn from you on, because I find myself eating the same things and the same spices. You can only have so much garlic, and onion, and salt, and pepper, you know?
John Racine:
Yeah. Absolutely. Spices are the way to make things taste better. Yeah, I could go on and talk about food for hours and hours. I have a very large collection of cookbooks that I've collected over the years. Even, myself, I find I still go back to my favorites, my repetitives. Then I have to watch a TV show and say, “I need to try that,” so I can try something new. Don't feel bad that you keep going back to the same things because, as a classically trained French chef, I still do the same thing myself today even though I don't cook professionally.
Yeah. I love French food. Oh, my gosh. It is absolutely my favorite, and I'm Italian, so, obviously, Italian food. We need to become besties, but … Okay.
John Racine:
We can do that.
I know. I'll be like, “John, give me some recipes.”
All right. Let's talk a little bit about your mindset, because I agree. I found myself for many years struggling. I come from very humble beginnings, and spent several years in a group home, a foster home, all through high school. Was that juvenile hall kid, and ended up … From the time I've been 13, I haven't lived at home.
Money was a struggle. I would see all my friends having these nice cars and expensive clothing, and I could never afford it. I had to put my own self through college, and I didn't have a car. Didn't even get my license until I was like 19, I think. I was 19 when I got my license. I had the same thing, and I was able to overcome it too with a lot of practice and a lot of work. Tell us the skills that you've done to help you really change your relationship with money, and how that's transformed your business and your life.
John Racine:
What haven't I tried, is probably the best way to answer that. Honestly, I can't think of something I haven't tried.
I remember … I'll tell you a quick little story. Back when I was in my mid twenties, I discovered commodity trading. It's similar to stock trading, but you're trading non-sexy things like pork bellies and lean hogs, and things like that. I remember reading, and studying, and learning, and there was an author out there who was trading in the markets that had this book about the psychology of trading. I knew … I said, I can remember it to this day, I was like, “I don't need any psychology, I just need to make money,” never realizing that I had this limiting belief and limiting block that was holding me back.
It took me years to get there. It took me trying everything from hypnosis, to neurolinguistic programming, to subliminal audios, to what I do currently today, every day, which is meditation and focus on the mindset and language patterns. It's so easy to try to have a positive money mindset, but what comes out of your mouth and your subconscious hears is often the negative.
If you're looking at a car, really nice car, let's say, and you're struggling with your money mindset, and say, “It must be nice to have money,” that completely defeats the work that you're doing on your money mindset because your subconscious is hearing, “I don't have money. I'm now jealous of that person for having that really nice car.” The language patterns has really been critical for me, and to really identify when I'm in that lack, because it still happens. I'm human.
John Racine:
I can look at something and have some jealousy, and verbalize it. Then I'd be like, “No, that's not right. I'm in a good place.” Let's change that mindset so my subconscious is hearing something different, because the subconscious really controls all of that. It's so powerful. It really does lead so much in our lives.
I love it. I feel like I'm talking to myself right now because I believe this, I teach it, I practice it. It's so true. Thoughts become things. What you say to yourself is, right? Our mind doesn't know the difference between reality, and, really, truth. I have had to work on my mindset regarding money. I can't even tell you, just from some situations that have happened. I've lost it all a couple times, and it's scary.
For many years I rolled around in his hamster wheel, afraid that I was going to lose everything. That fear, it was not fun, until I learned to really say different things, think different things, believe different things until they actually come to fruition. I love that you said that you're normal and human, and mistakes happen. Yes. We all make mistakes. We go back to it. We have to work on it on a daily basis.
John Racine:
Absolutely. Some days are better than others, right? We're in a strange world right now. It's still pretty easy to get taken in by the mainstream thinking, the mainstream thought process. In spite of people having records and crushing it right now, it's still so easy to fall into that trap of, “Oh, my gosh, there's this lack,” and really feed into that.
I think, as I've [inaudible 00:09:45] older, I become much more aware of it. I put more focus on it. I even have people around me where I'll correct their language patterns, to correct it more for me than for themselves, but I know it's helping them as well.
When you say you correct other people's language patterns, and more for you than them, what do you mean by that? What other people say has a negative connotation or impact on other people?
John Racine:
Yep. The thing that I hear a lot of times is, “Someday I will,” fill in the blank. Then I change that to say, “Why don't you say ‘when' you do that? ‘Someday I'm going to travel to Australia.' Why don't you say, ‘When I travel to Australia'? Then you're putting it out there in a more positive way.”
I try to do it in a non-insulting way, obviously, but really to just try to change that perspective, whatever it might be. That's one of the most common ones, is the “somedays” that I hear a lot, or, “I don't have money.” I'm like, “Why don't you rephrase that to ‘when' you do have it?” Because then it's sending a different message to the subconscious.
Can you do me a favor? Can you give me a few examples of that type of language that people say that's self-defeating? Different types, so we can work through it, because I know a lot of us do it and don't even realize it.
John Racine:
Yeah. I have a professional background as a human resources director. I worked in hospitality for years and years. Many times I would have people come in to me that would want to grow in their careers. They'd want to get promoted. One that I would hear constantly is, “I don't have the skills.” That's a feeling of lack. It's, “Why don't you change that to … Number one, let's get you the skills. Then start saying, when you have the skills, you will be ready for that opportunity.” That was one that I heard a lot throughout my professional HR career.
As a coach and a consultant I hear things like, “I don't have the money.” That's lack, right? Or, “I don't have the time.” That's lack. Everything is about a choice. One of my favorite sayings is, “The only thing we can control in life is how we respond to life.” If right now you're saying, “I don't have the money,” that's a choice because of the way that you are having a relationship with money. Maybe you're spending it on … We'll go back to the David Bach Latte Factor. I'm not a huge fan of that concept, but maybe that's an example where, if you're spending three, four bucks a day, 20-some dollars a week on that, that could go towards growing your business, or doing some Facebook ads, or doing whatever it might be. Those are the most common ones that I see and work with a lot.
I love … Oh, gosh, you said something that really struck me there for a second. I just lost it for a minute, which is frustrating me. It's that lack of food right now. I shouldn't even say that I'm hungry, because I'm telling myself that I'm hungry. What we say to ourselves is so, so important. I like that. So many times we say, “I can't afford,” or, “I don't have.” It's like, “When I have,” or, “I'm working towards,” or, “I will.” Just those small tweaks.
If you've ever read the book Slight Edge, it talks about, the little things that we do and say add up so big over time, just little, slight changes in our behavior. By changing those words that we say, what we use, over time, it's a massive impact. If you're constantly telling yourself you don't have, you can't do, you can't do. Whether you say you can or you can't, you're right.
Now I remember what I was going to say. I love what you said about the only thing you can control is how you respond to what's happening. You can only control how you respond to what's going on around you. That is so right.
John Racine:
Absolutely. I learned that through my bankruptcies. It's like, “I got myself here. I spend more than I should have.” I used to blame my first one … Back in the early '90s when I first came out of college and I went off of mom's medical insurance plan … I'm a type 1 diabetic.
Saw that.
John Racine:
There used to be, in the law, back 20 plus years ago, where you could be … Preexisting conditions were not covered for a year. Every time I would go to the endocrinologist, I was having to pay out of pocket.
Oh, my gosh.
John Racine:
Every time I got insulin, syringes, it was out of pocket. I used to blame it on that, but I had to accept responsibility, because I was the one that put myself in that situation by not saving, by not investing, by not doing the things that I needed to do. When the second one rolled around, yeah, it was all over. It was like, “I did this to myself.” I spent what I shouldn't have spent, and then I put myself there. But, the only thing I control now is moving past it, getting through it, and coming out on the other side bigger and better than I did before. That applies not just in money mindset, but in health, in relationships, in absolutely everything that we have in our life.
What you just said is … That's actually pretty prolific. The fact that you had your first bankruptcy, a lot of it was medical bills based upon buying things from your type 1 diabetes, which, for you, you would think … That's not your fault that you have that, right? To have this medical system that doesn't take a preexisting condition for something like that, that's rough. You'd think that it'd be really easy to go down the “poor me” track.
John Racine:
Yeah. I've learned that you've got to accept responsibility for yourself. I think that is the biggest thing that most humans struggle with, because it's so easy to place blame. We're in the marketing space, and we're out there marketing. One of the most common things is, “You don't have X, and it's not your fault.” Fill in the blank for whatever X might be. It's so powerful because it's a belief pattern that many people have. But I knew, for me, in order to move past that, to get past the lack, to get past the everything in my life that I did not like, I had to accept responsibility, because every decision I made led me to that point.
I really like the way that you're thinking. I think people need to hear it more often. It's not something that people really talk about very often. I'm a big mindset person. Mindset for me is a huge part of my practice, part of my coaching. You said something that really is true. You said earlier how you realize that you missed the whole mindset part of it, and that was a reason why things weren't working, because you weren't focusing on the mindset.
I had the same thing happen, to where, when I first started coaching my students two and a half years ago, I was so excited about giving them all the stuff. “Let me teach them how to do Facebook ads, and create funnels, and landing pages, and write copy, and do all this.” I didn't work on the mindset part of it.
I started doing a challenge. The challenge was a two-week challenge, and it was mostly mindset with a small activity towards their business. I was noticing that my people in my challenge were getting success faster than my students who were paying me a lot of money. I realized, “Oh, my gosh, I messed up.” I missed the biggest part, and that was getting their mind right so they actually could achieve the success, and implement what I got them, and actually became accepting and worthy of it.
John Racine:
Absolutely. That was where I lacked, and just didn't know. It's one of those unconsciously uncompetent … Not even that. I'm sorry. I'm going the wrong way. I was unconsciously uncompetent at that point because I didn't know what I didn't know. It took me going through those experiences to become consciously uncompetent, and eventually to the point that I'm at now, which is consciously competent. Had to go through that entire journey.
I think that's why people like you and I exist, and so many other people that are in this space, to help shorten the curve, because it doesn't have to be this way. When you really focus on it and really drill into it, it's just like flipping on a light switch. It really goes away that quickly and that instantly. I really believe in the power of the subconscious mind.
It was a little bit later in my adult life as I came to that realization, but it is so incredibly powerful. I learned that through hypnosis, and through working with coaches, and other people, and even as I grow and develop, that what we say and what we hear really does go into that deep subconscious level. That's where the work needs to start on just about everything.
Can you go into a little bit more about that? The meditation and the subconscious. How can somebody … First of all, what do you do when you meditate?
John Racine:
I use a program from Centerpointe, which was Bill Harris, who was in the movie The Secret. The reason I like his meditations, and I've learned since I've been doing it, I've been doing it for well over a year now and it is my favorite way, that it's not about completely blanking out your mind. That was what I always struggled with on the meditation, was, “I can't get thoughts out of my mind.” My brain runs at warp speed and it will jump from one thing to another.
With the Centerpointe, it's got all of the audio and all of the pieces in there that go into the brainwave patterns so my brain is less active, but it's not completely blank. I find that I get the most success by moving through the levels of the Centerpointe meditations. If you don't have the Centerpointe meditations, it doesn't have to be complicated. Sit, close your eyes, inhale and exhale slowly, count your breaths, do it to 10, 20, 30, whatever you can, and that's enough to start. That's actually how I started before I moved on to the Centerpointe meditations.
How long do you do the meditations on a daily basis?
John Racine:
I do about an hour and a half. I have about an hour of the Centerpointe meditations that I do because I'm moving through their progressive programs. I'm on about the fifth level of it right now. Then I have some other ones that I do that I've acquired over the years through coaching, and so forth. I try to not to do it all back to back. I try to break up my day with it. Sometimes I do first thing in the morning, we'll pop it on. I was one of those people that said, “I don't have the time to do the meditation,” but, again, that was a choice. I chose not to have the time, so I make the time. I get up pretty darn early in the morning, do it first thing in the morning, and then it sets day off in the right direction.
Centerpointe meditations with Bill Harris. I wrote that down so I can … That's one thing. That's meditation. Then, now, the meditation also works on the subconscious?
John Racine:
It does. The way the program that I've got is … They have an entry level program that's not customizable, but you decide to go into the deeper levels, you record your voice doing these mantras that you want yourself to get. That is incorporated into the ones that I'm doing now. Mine was all about money mindset, abundance, and all of those types of things, so that is incorporated into the meditations that I do.
That's so … I actually have my students record their own affirmations in their own voice. It's a part of one of the things I have them work on. I love doing that. [crosstalk 00:19:55]
John Racine:
Yeah. That's one of the things that I do, is I have my voice recording that I play. When I'm sitting at the computer, if I'm not doing something I have to focus on a hundred percent, I play my voice in the background. That's the second part of the meditations that I do.
I like it. Meditations for you, and doing it on your own. Great. Okay. This has been really interesting. I'm really enjoying talking to you, because I like hearing it. I think so many of us need to be reminded about this. I talk so often about, just, how important your mindset is. Especially with what we have going on right now, it's something we have to work on daily. You just have to be aware. Awareness is the first part about change, is being aware of how we think, noticing that we think.
I actually have my students doing a training this whole week. Their job this week is to notice everything that they're doing, no matter what it is, and ask themselves, “Is this activity conducive to a positive outcome, or is this maybe something that might not be super healthy for me or putting me in the right direction?” Everything, from drinking water to whatever they're doing, so they can really just be aware of how the little things that they do every single day adds up to big things. For example, what are you saying to yourself? What are your affirmations? What is your self talk? What words are you using? Huge aspect of, just, wealth and abundance. It starts with that.
John Racine:
Absolutely. If you look back at just about every 12-step program that's out there, I've never been in any of them, but it's fairly common knowledge that the first step is admitting you have a problem.
John Racine:
I love that you're identifying that we have this awareness of where we're at, and I didn't have it in my early twenties when I was starting that commodity trading. I had one successful trade, and then I blew it after that. I didn't realize it was the mindset that was really controlling it, not the fact that I picked the wrong thing to invest in. It was really the mindset, because my mind wasn't ready to handle continued success at that point.
Yeah. That makes sense.
Okay. Great. You've got a challenge coming up here pretty soon. Can you explain it a little bit? I know it's in September. I'll make sure that this airs before that. I'll have you give me information so that we can get people to access your challenge directly. We'll put his challenge … Can you talk to us a little bit about your challenge, when it is? Then I'll put the links inside this podcast so that people can download that and get access to you.
John Racine:
First, thank you very much for doing that. I appreciate it.
John Racine:
I decided to do a challenge around abundance, because, right now, at the time we're recording this, there's a lot of people that are feeling that lack and lack of abundance right now. I know that abundance is easy. It really is. You flip a light switch, you get your mindset moving in the right direction, and the abundance starts to flow. I've witnessed it time and time again.
It's simply called the Abundance Is Easy Challenge. It's going to be a free five-day challenge starting on September 14th. It's It's going to be a quick … Every day there'll be a task to do. There'll be a video that you get that has what the day's task is. We're going to work in a Facebook group, and have some social interactions in there as well. There'll be daily prizes on it.
The goal is, at the end of those five days, to increase the flow of abundance in your life, whatever the area might be. It could be abundance financially. It could be abundance in your relationships. It could be abundance in your health. It's all universal, but we've just got to open up the flow of abundance. I'm really, really excited about it. Been planning it for a little bit, and putting the final touches on it, and, super excited.
Good. Okay. That starts in September. It's free for five days. I think I'm going to sign up for it. I'm going to be excited to go through it with you. I always say abundance when I talk about … It's not money. It's not … It's all of it. It's money, relationships, health. I want to have abundance in every single aspect of my life. I want to have … People try to say “balance”, and I know balance is very difficult. But I really want, when it comes to abundance, I think abundance is, you're just abundant in every area. It's doable, but so many people … It's like you said. It's a choice. It's almost like they choose not to be.
By what you say to yourself … For example, if you're ever fighting with your husband … My husband and I … Gosh. Three or four months ago, we had a rough spell. I noticed that I was focusing on the rough spell, and I just made the choice to quit focusing on that. We were pretty rough. It was a pretty rough time, I think, COVID and everything else. I made the conscious choice to just focus on all the great parts, and we're back to great again. It's just amazing how quickly it just turned around just based upon what I was focusing, what I was saying, what I was thinking about, and noticing when I wasn't thinking about something positive, and switching it.
John Racine:
Yeah, absolutely. Thoughts are things. You said it already. Thoughts are things. Abundances is like an energy, and the energy can be positive or it could be negative. It can be used for good. It could be used for bad. You were abundantly negative at that point in time, and we had to flip that around to become abundantly positive, and you used it in a relationship.
That absolutely speaks to what I want to do with this challenge, is to get people to open up that flow of abundance. There's blocks, whether it's a psychological block … Sometimes it's a physical block. Clutter in your home can affect abundance, because the energy isn't flowing because it's blocked by something in your home. Little things like that. It's going to be fun challenge, quick little videos, and little things to work on each day that will open up the flow of abundance, and then start to see what else is there out there for you. I'm really, really excited to be putting that out there.
Okay, everyone, you heard about it. We're all about having the best life we can ever have. You go to It's a free day five challenge that John's going to be in charge of.
John, tell us a little bit about your success, then. You've talked about the bad things. Talk to me a little bit about the things that you've done well and how you've been able to transform your life, because you've done some pretty big things. You've got a podcast, and …
John Racine:
Yeah. Thanks. There's been a lot of good once I've gotten that the flow of abundance opened for myself. I've got the podcast, the Total Freedom Podcast, and it's actually a relaunch that I did. I actually started it several years ago just before my second bankruptcy. I was trying to use it as a tool for myself. It ended up not working, but I relaunched it.
I believe that you can do what you want when you want with whomever you want in your life. We've put the Total Freedom Podcast together. I bring on guest experts. Occasionally I will hop on and talk. We're looking at people that have done great things in their lives, money mindset, mindset, relationships, business, whatever it might be. That's been really good.
As my abundance has opened up, my diabetes has gotten under amazing control. I went to the endocrinologist not that long ago and his exact words were, “John, you are a diabetic rockstar.” Everything was going really well with that. I've lost a ton of weight, and still losing. There's been a lot of really good success.
Then the thing that I have been waiting for since 2008 is happening in about two and a half months. I am moving back into my house in Orlando. That is the biggest opening of abundance that I could have had. I've had the house there when I moved to California for a job. Have bounced around since then, and always had the goal of, “Someday I'll move back to Orlando.” It's no longer someday, it's November 1st of this year.
Good for you. That's awesome.
John Racine:
Great. Okay, everyone, you know where to go. John, thank you so much for your time. I am looking forward to your challenge. I love doing things like that because it keeps me on the right track. You can never, ever work on yourself too much. Who doesn't want a little more abundance, everyone? I hope you all were just as fired up as I am. John, I always end every podcast with the same, exact question. That is, if you can give one bit of advice, whether it's business, or personal, or anything at all, what would it be?
John Racine:
I would say it is that you really do control how you respond to life. Nothing is inherently good or bad. I'll use the nastiest thing that's happened in most of our lives right now, which is COVID-19. Is it good? Is it bad? I don't really care, because I decide if it's good or bad. You can make the decision to decide that it is good. Build a business, start a side hustle, move, find the love of your life, whatever it might be, you control and deal … That's not the right way to say it. You control how you're responding to this terrible, horrible thing, so make the choice to make it positive for you and your family.
I absolutely agree. Just other day … Actually it was last night. My husband and I were out to dinner, and I was like, “I don't know what it is, baby. This COVID hasn't really affected me too much.” I think part of it's because I already worked at home, but it's because we've just put our focuses on other things.
We don't watch the news at all. I choose not to surround myself with all the negativity. Just, we're still doing things together and trying to be happy, and just working on not focusing on all that bad stuff. When I go to the store and everyone's wearing masks, I have to admit it's like … I get that weird, kind of gross feeling. I do. I don't like it. It makes me feel … But, for the most part, we've been doing really good, because we just choose to focus on all the good stuff. You can do the exact same thing if you're listening.
John, thank you so much. I appreciate your time. Can't wait to hear about your challenge. Again,, in September. Sign up, it's free. Everyone, remember, you can do anything you want to, but if you don't implement … Learning is awesome. Learning is amazing. It is not powerful unless you take action. Implementation is key. Thank you so much for giving me a bit of your time. I appreciate it. As always, everybody, make it a great day. Thank you, John.
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