Secret Sauce to Success With Debbie Pellum

Posted on May 19, 2021 by

Secret Sauce to Success With Debbie Pellum

Today, we have one of my top producing students, Debbie Pellum. We will discuss how is she surviving with this crazy seller's market, and we will ask her what is her secret sauce to being a top producing agent. We will also talk about her experience with eXp Realty. Always remember, DONE IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN PERFECT! Have a great day!

Hey everyone, are you ready to be fired up, because I sure am? I've got a top producer with me, Debbie Pellum. She's in Fresno, Clovis California and she is going to be telling you all of her secret sauce and what's been making her successful. So, if you want to know her secrets then sit back and let's get ready to be fired up.

Hey, Debbie. How are you? Welcome, thanks for being on the podcast.

Debbie Pellum:

You look beautiful as always. Oh my gosh you've lost so much weight.

Debbie Pellum:
Yes. Yes. I was determined not to let COVID get the best of me.

And it hasn't, so tell us a little bit about yourself. How long have you been in the industry, and let us know what you're doing right now that's working. I'll just keep asking questions.

Debbie Pellum:
Okay. This month actually is my sixth year in business. On the 15th actually is when I got my license. And I started out in southern California in the Inland Empire area, and then about a little over four years ago moved to Fresno and Clovis. I've been here and calling Fresno home for the last, about four and a half years.

Four and a half years. Okay. And so, real estate, you've seen all kinds of markets, you've seen the market crash, you've seen the market go high. Now we're in a crazy sellers market with zero inventory. How are you surviving?

Debbie Pellum:
Well, I definitely am trying to stay more focused, and trying to be consistent in the things that I do. And that's something that I have learned, actually from you, is the consistency in your marketing and just genuinely helping other people. Whether you get anything out of it or not. That doesn't matter. I mean, ultimately yes, this is how I support myself, but I just love helping people and seeing the looks on their face when they get the keys to their new house.

Oh, good. I know you told us some stories recently, how there was an incident that happened and you did something, and it ended up turning into a sale and you were really surprised that it even was a sale, because that wasn't your intention. It's the serve, don't sell mentality. Talk to us a little bit about your production level and what you've seen happen in your business.

First of all, how long have you been in the program?

Debbie Pellum:
I've been in your program since August, of 2019. It was just about 6 months before COVID hit.

Oh, wow. Right before COVID hit. Okay. And so, what's happened to your business during COVID?

Debbie Pellum:
One thing, I took my time, I'll say, getting into the program. It was a lot to do and at the time I was a full time transaction coordinator for top producers at my brokerage. And so, that was something I was doing 60 hours a week, and I was basically on call 24/7. And that was something that I just provided to the agents that I worked with, because they were also my friends and I wanted to help them.

Debbie Pellum:
And so, I sat back one day and I thought, “You know what? If I'm willing to put 60 hours a week into somebody else's business, why am I not willing to do that for my own?” And so, that's what got me to join your program. I mean, basically I made the phone call and I was like, “How do I do it? How do I sign up?”

Debbie Pellum:
And so, got into the program, got very overwhelmed. I mean, that's almost unavoidable, because you provide so much information and it's all so awesome, and you want to just get going. But there's an order and there's a process. And so, I was trying to wrap my head around all of that, plus try to wean off some of my other work that I was doing that wasn't for my business.

Debbie Pellum:
And so, when COVID hit, that's when I was like, “Okay. This is when I really need to be online, because who knows what we're going to be able to do in person anymore.” That's when I really kicked it into gear. And a few things happened personally that sidetracked me along the way, but starting in about January of this year I have been consistently doing your marketing campaigns every month.

Debbie Pellum:
In fact, I need to look at the main ones, but consistently doing a couple of videos every month, plus additional stuff. And my business is booming right now. I've never had this much business for me.

Especially during COVID. You're doing more than a couple videos a month. Right?

Debbie Pellum:
I'm doing eight to nine videos a month.

Okay. You said a couple a month, and you meant a couple a week. You're doing eight to nine videos a month. All right.

Debbie Pellum:
A week.

And so, you're busier than you've ever been. Equate that. And it doesn't make a difference. I mean, you're saying busiest you've ever been. Put that into numbers for us.

Debbie Pellum:
It's hard to really gauge it, because I was a full-time TC for so long. I did four or five transactions a year, and I've got about four that I'm getting ready to enter into within the next couple of days. I have one in escrow now, I have a buyer that I've been working with. They're a family and they are so sweet. I just adore them. And then as I was showing them properties, found out they needed to list their home as well.

Debbie Pellum:
And being that I'm a senior real estate specialist, that sealed the deal, because they're an elderly couple and they are the sweetest couple ever. I'm waiting right now for the answer on whether or not their offer was accepted. And so, got two other buyers that I'm really, really close to getting into escrow with as well. I've personally never had this much business. I've managed 20 to 25 escrows, but never of my own.

You are doing more in business right now this month than you're used to doing all year.

Debbie Pellum:

That's good. What are you doing exactly. Tell me what you're doing that's working, what are you seeing the most success in? And talk to us about the process and how you managed to do that.

Debbie Pellum:
The biggest thing I've noticed is my mindset. And a lot of people may discount how you think about things, but it truly is so imperative to have the right mindset, and to be positive. And to have, like you've taught us, a mindset of abundance. And to be able to serve people and not just sell, and not have that, “Oh, I just want to list your house.” Truly care about the people that you're representing, and who you're servicing. And provide them the service that they deserve. That you would want to receive also. It's that whole, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And I really try to live by that.

Yes. Serve, don't sell. And ultimately you will sell. It's got to be people before things, and the things will actually come. We can't put the money first. I could not agree with you more. Okay. You have a servant mindset. Tell us the specific tactics that you're doing right now in your business that you're seeing working for you more than anything.

Debbie Pellum:
Okay. I am doing your program. I'm doing the monthly marketing campaigns, which is about two videos a week on social media. And I am following it to a T. And then I'm also reaching out to my database and just doing the 10 video text messages. I don't always get to 10 every day, and follow up is the hardest thing for me. But it's something that I'm working on and I'm getting better at.

Debbie Pellum:
And so, making sure that I follow up and really just provide valuable information.

Good. On those videos, and of course I know, but tell our audience, what are those videos doing? How are you distributing them? How does that work and look? And what kind of feedback are you getting from distributing the videos correctly?

Debbie Pellum:
I've got one girlfriend of mine, she's like, “I see your commercials all the time.” And I'm like, “Commercials? Okay.”

Yeah. That's awesome.

Debbie Pellum:
The series that we've been doing the last few months is really focusing on sellers, because of our inventory being so low. And you have such a pulse on the market, and like I will always say when COVID hit you were right on it. We had scripts, we had things that we were to do, to benefit our business and you were all over it. And I mean, it was like all I had to do was sit back and go, “Okay, Krista's got that done.”

Debbie Pellum:
I post to Facebook, Instagram, I have a YouTube channel and I have a blog on my website. Between the four of those platforms, oh and LinkedIn. I'm posting my videos, I'm getting some wonderful feedback from a lot of colleagues even, like, “How did you do that? You're so good. You're giving such relevant, good information.” And I'm like, “Well, you know. It's what I do.”

You're like, “I'm so smart.”

Debbie Pellum:
I'm not just a pretty face and blonde hair.

I know, I know. Okay. You're creating content. For the past four or five months it's been seller content. You're taking it, you're creating ads on Facebook. What kind of reach are you getting? How many people are watching your videos? Tell us a little bit about your stats.

Debbie Pellum:
Tens of thousands of reach. Well, reach more than that, but on stuff that's more traffic in video views I'm getting tens of thousands of people looking at it. The click throughs, I've had somebody call me and I asked them, I said, “How did you get a hold of me.” And they said, “Oh, I just Googled you and you came up in the Google search.” And I was like, “That's awesome.”

Yeah. You're coming up in the Google search, because you're creating video content and Google loves to promote video, which is great. Okay. Good. When you first started creating content, many people are afraid of video and they're afraid of doing it. Can you talk about how you felt when you first started and how you've overcome utilizing video, and how you feel video has given you an advantage or a disadvantage?

Debbie Pellum:
I was extremely nervous about video. Extremely nervous, because believe it or not I'm shy at first. But once you get to know me I open up. To be on camera and the multitasking of trying to make sure that you speak in an articulate manner, and that you don't fumble on your words, and that you look okay, and you don't have one piece of hair covering your mouth. Or whatever. I mean, all that stuff happens. Or you got lipstick on your tooth, or something always happens. Right?

Debbie Pellum:
And like you tell us, “Be perfectly imperfect.” And done is better than perfect. There has been a few that I've let a few mistakes go by, but I will retake the video until it's to my, because I'm a Virgo. I'm a perfectionist. I can't help it.

You're still getting them done and doing so good.

Debbie Pellum:
Yeah, and I've gotten to the point where there's been quite a few videos that first take, but you do a setup process and then I usually read through the scripts before I actually shoot the video, so I'm familiar with what I'm getting ready to say, where to pause, where to extenuate on things, when to go like this or whatever you need to do.

Debbie Pellum:
So, that the first time around I can get it one and done. And it happens.

It helps so much to do that. Absolutely.

Debbie Pellum:

Yeah, well good. Your community is noticing you, you're getting tens of thousands of views and you're busier than you've ever been. I feel like the video is definitely helping you, and obviously properly distributing it so it's actually being seen by people.

Debbie Pellum:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Any other strategies or tactics you'd like to talk about that you've seen to be helpful in your business?

Debbie Pellum:
I really think mindset and being positive, and having a servant mentality is really the biggest thing. People are skeptical these days, because it just seems like there's a certain level of dishonesty that unfortunately is in our society. And so, it's nice to be around someone who's pleasant, who's honest, and even delivering news that may not be the greatest, just the way you present things matters. How you say things matters.

Debbie Pellum:
You can still present news that may be challenging, but do it in a positive light. And I really try to do that.

And especially if you have developed the relationship beforehand, and the trust, it makes it so much easier.

Debbie Pellum:

Okay. Debbie, I always end every podcast like this, if there is one piece of content that you absolutely had to tell people, whether it was business or personal, to improve their life, what would that be?

Debbie Pellum:
Oh my gosh. Consistency. If you're going to do something be consistent, because if you just do one or two things here and there it's not going to have the impact as if you were doing it all the time. If you set a goal to every Wednesday do something, do it every Wednesday.

Debbie Pellum:
Whether you believe it or not, or realize it or not they're counting on it sometimes. I think consistency is huge in this industry. And then also being positive.

That's such a great thing though. Consistency and here's the deal. You need to be consistent with yourself. Right?

Debbie Pellum:

Yourself knows you're counting on it. And the more that you start to continue to not let yourself down and you're honest with yourself, and you keep your commitments to yourself, the more you'll see your business expand, because you believe in yourself. Debbie, thank you so much. Debbie Pellum. If people want to reach out to you for referrals or to contact you how do they get in touch with you?

Debbie Pellum:
They can reach me at or they can call me, email me. Find me on Instagram. I'm @sellemwithpellum. And that's S-E-L-L-E-M with Pellum. P-E-L-L-U-M.

I love it. Okay, and we'll have all of her contact information in the show notes. Bring her your referrals. I personally work with her and I know she takes care of her people. Everyone, thank you so much for being here. Remember, it's great, great, great to learn. Debbie, you were just amazing, amazing, amazing. Thank you for your time and I love your attitude, so for being a part of this.

Debbie Pellum:
Thank you, Krista. You're so awesome. It's a lot of videos, because of all your teachings and I thank you for giving so much of yourself.

Awe. Thank you. Well, everyone, listen, it's great to listen and thank you so much for your time, but if you don't implement nothing happens, and I will see you next time. I know that you just joined. Debbie just joined our organization with EXP, and we could not be more thrilled about that. Debbie, tell me a little bit about your experience with EXP. I know that you did not want to leave your broker. And you were just like, “I'm never leaving my broker.” How do you feel about EXP, what made you move to EXP? And now that you're in our organization talk to me about your experience with that.

Debbie Pellum:
Well, I was in love with my broker. I mean, the broker and the owner of the company were wonderful and it was nothing personal. It was strictly business and to stay connected with you, I was already in your coaching program for a while. To stay connected with you and be part of your organization was huge. And then with the skillset that I have, I have five ways of making money in EXP, that I know of so far.

Debbie Pellum:
And so, I'm taking advantage of all of that. I'm a certified mentor with EXP. I've only been there for, this week was about two months. I'm a certified mentor, I'm a transaction coordinator, I'm an awesome sales agent, and I attract wonderful agents to my organization, and then there's the stock. And so, I've got five ways of making money. And I thought, “Okay, that's a no brainer. You should always have multiple streams of income.” That was really the clincher for me, and being able to provide myself with a financial future.

So true. Many people are worried about EXP, because they don't have the actual, physical office to go into and they're afraid they won't find the support. Can you talk a little bit about the support and how do you feel about that? Were you worried about that too? Was that a concern for you?

Debbie Pellum:
Not at all.

It wasn't in the beginning?

Debbie Pellum:
Not at all. No.

Wow. I think it is for most people.

Debbie Pellum:
It wasn't for me, because of Kim, who sponsored me. We're related. And then knowing that I was under you, I knew that both of you had me under your wings and I knew I was going to be well taken care of. And then meeting Jessie, and the other people on your team, and I mean there's something to listen to, learn from, hear every day. Several times a day. Just within your organization. Let alone EXP's training.

Debbie Pellum:
And so, there's so much that you can absorb, if you're willing. And that's the part, is you have to be willing to learn and be open minded, like you always say to us. Be open minded to what the possibilities are. And make those possibilities happen for you. That's why I have five streams of income.

And you absolutely have, which is what I love. You feel supported, you're happy, no regrets?

Debbie Pellum:
None whatsoever.

Okay. Well, everyone, if you want to reach out to Debbie, and find out about EXP through her, reach out and she can talk to you about her experience. And you can tell she has total conviction. Debbie, thank you again. You were amazing and love you.

Debbie Pellum:
I love you too.

Bye, everybody. Okay, you were awesome. I'm going to end this now and jump on the other call. I love you. You did perfect.

Debbie Pellum:
Okay. Thank you. I love you too.

Okay, bye.

Debbie Pellum:

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