Do you know that that's one of the hardest things to do is to figure out how do I be productive? How do I hold myself accountable? In fact, Mindvalley, who has millions of subscribers, actually did a poll and they said, what do you need the most help with across the board is accountability and productivity. So I want to give you a tip, a hack that I actually do with my students every single day. It has created massive movement, massive gain in their, in their real estate business. Basically it's just focusing on little things all of the time. Now, let me tell you a story as to why I actually realized how important and successful this was. I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and it's not an exaggeration on my education growth and personal development. In fact, last month I wrote $150,000 check to Russell Brunson so I could be a part of his category team. This is something I find very important.
Accountability Calls
One of the training programs I was in had this daily accountability call. We just talked about our business goals and it was amazing how many things I got done. So then I understood why this works so well and that I'm going to incorporate this with my students. So let me tell you what I did, how I kind of tweaked it and changed it. The results have been absolutely phenomenal for my students.
So maybe you'll get a group of friends of other people, and you're in the same industry. And you have you set up a call together. This call is for you to hold yourself accountable. Hold yourself accountable, because nobody wants to show up to a call and say, “Hey, I didn't get my stuff done”. The idea is to have you within five and 10 people, and you just go to the same call at the same time, every single day, you state one business goal that you're going to do. And one personal goal that you're going to do every single day. Okay. That's that's that's Monday day one. Now the idea is, is that no matter what you get that goal done.
So let me give you an example of what that might look like.
Hey, I'm Krista today. I commit to doing 10 video text messages and drinking one half gallon of water, again, one personal one business right now, the next day I go to the same call with the same people, because you want to start holding each other accountable. This call is an anchor. If you read the book slight edge, it talks about how, when you have an anchor of you're trying to create change, you're trying to create a new habit. If you have an anchor, something you do before a habit, you're more likely to actually do it, right? Attending this call will anchor you to achieving your goals for the day. As a result, the next day I show up to the same call at the same time with the same people and I confirm that I did what I had to do.
If I did. And then I state my new things that I'm going to do that day today, I commit to doing again, one personal one professional. It might be today. I commit to doing three videos, right? I commit to recording, to writing three video scripts and recording those videos. And I also commit to doing a 1 45 minute workout outside. Okay. Now, if I did not, that's the goal for the day. If I didn't meet that commitment, for whatever reason, I show up to the group and say “Hey, I didn't meet my commitment”. Now the secret sauce is when you have to say, you have to figure out what slipped past you, what, why didn't you do that? Figure out what got in the way, then figure out what you're going to do today to fix it.
What If I Didn't Get It Done?
I did not get my commitment done yesterday and I let other people's crisis's get in the way. I answered the phone when I shouldn't have today. In order to overcome this, I plan to set up a timer and use a Pomodoro technique when I am attempting to accomplish my goal. And I'm not planning to answer the phone if it rings during that time until my goal is achieved. Okay. And then you're going to restate your commitment. Does that make sense? You can make a commitment the next day to do one business and one personal at the same time. Then, recommit to what you'll do, why you didn't get it done, and how you will change your behavior to ensure you do it.
It has been proven that when you have trouble getting things done, or if you have a lot of problems. Then you are more likely to succeed when you identify the problem ahead of time and then identify what you are planning to do to combat or overcome it. Once I've said what I'm going to do about what didn't happen and how I'm going to overcome it, I restate one business and one personal goal.
Now understand this. If you didn't do your, your goal from the day before, you don't have to commit to the same goal. You know, for example, if you had said, I'm going to do 10 video text messages. If I say, you know what? 10 was just too many today, I'm going to commit to five that's okay.
Skin In The Game
And it's even okay to commit to a totally different goal. The idea is just to commit to one business and one personal every single day to show up to an accountability call with the same people. Because when you vocalize that, you're going to get a golden, the chances of it increasing significantly increases the chances of you actually doing it. And also when you, um, when you, when you have other people that are around you that are hearing you say, you're going to do something your chances of actually getting that done increases significantly. I call this skin in the game, okay. It's really, really helpful if you actually have every single person in the week put in 10 or $25, right? You need to put in 10 or $25 in a pot. And if you, if you do your goal every single day for the, for, for the five days at the end of the week, you get enrolled to actually in a drawing to win the pot.
If you don't do your goals or you miss one day, your name gets taken out. That's why it's called skin in the game, but kind of puts more skin in the game, makes you more likely to actually want to do it. I'm number one, you're committing to actually putting money in and making that more of a reason why you would want to number two, you have a chance to win the pot. So this is my daily accountability and productivity call. You'd be amazed at what happens when you just do one tiny commitment, because here's what happens when you do that commitment. You get it done. The brain goes, oh my gosh, that felt so good. Dopamine and serotonin are released. And it goes, let's do more of that.
So then the brain sees you being successful. We know success breeds success. What gets celebrated gets replicated. And then you're much more likely to continue to succeed throughout the day. That's why this is so helpful. It might seem like a small, tiny thing, but when you accomplish that small, tiny, tiny thing, your body goes, oh my gosh, you're doing good. You're feeling good. Let's keep doing more of it. And you do more and more and more. And that's the reason why skin in the game is so, so successful. So I hope this is helpful for you. If you, if you found it was useful. Go ahead and subscribe. If not, no worries. And just remember one thing when you do what you love, people love what you do.