Solution-Based Thinking

Posted on February 14, 2022 by

Did you know that some experts say that our minds think between 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts every single day? That means that we're thinking at least 2,100 thoughts every single hour, one thought every two seconds. And I'm guessing that a lot of us actually think a lot more thoughts than that.

Most of these thoughts are not really productive. They're thoughts we've thought of before, negative judgement and reactions, or just useless chatter. But our brains can do much better for us, especially right now, when it seems like we're facing challenges every single day. We need to train our brains to do solution-oriented thinking.

Learn Solution-Based Thinking

A lot has been written about this, but let me break this down into five simple steps for you. Step one, start with the right attitude. Decades ago, comedian Will Rogers said, “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.” Stop complaining and worrying about how it could get worse. Face whatever challenge it is like you're a superhero. You’re like Batman facing the Joker, have an attitude that nothing can defeat you and that there is a solution to every single problem.

Solution for Long Run

Step two, figure out a solution for the long run. Some people try to solve challenges like they're playing Whac-A-Mole. They find a quick solution for a small piece of the issue. But then other problems pop up. Some of the new problems that pop up are pieces the first solution didn't actually cover. The new problems can actually be issues that the first solution created.

For example, if the problem is that your kids won't clean their rooms, a Whac-A-Mole approach might be to lock them in their rooms until the rooms are clean. But this is going to create a very grumpy child. It won't work for the long run, and it doesn't solve the actual underlying issue of your children not pitching in. Before you try to come up with a solution, stop and analyze the result that you're trying to achieve. Don’t just look for a Band-Aid that gets you only part of what you actually wanted. In this example of getting kids to clean their rooms, what you really want is for your kids to be responsible without you nagging them. It's not just about a clean room.

Think It Through

Step three, get creative and brainstorm. We're facing some challenges right now that we've never, ever had to face before. So we need to get creative. Brainstorming just means coming up with all the possible solutions. While you're brainstorming, nothing is off the table. Don't critique or censor any of the ideas that you have, even if they seem kind of wacky to you. You just might find that those wacky ones have a grain of genius in them somewhere. Write all the ideas down: the good, the bad, the ugly. Brainstorm until you come up with at least 20 possibilities.

Step four, consider each potential solution on your list. Give each idea a moment to see if it actually could possibly get you the result that you want. Then check to see if you could actually implement it. If not, is there a version of that idea that you actually could work?

Put It Into Action

Step five, try it. When we come up with a great new solution for something, we can't be certain it will work. But if you take action with it, you'll either succeed, or you'll learn something that will actually bring you closer to your solution.

Try using these steps for all of your big and small challenges. I guarantee you'll come up with more positive, long-lasting solutions for whatever it is that you're facing.

One solution to some of your business or mindset issues might be to join my free challenge. Just go to, and let me help you learn new, innovative ways to use digital marketing. These can enhance your business, make an impact on your community, and give you a thriving mindset. I'll be personally coaching you, teaching and training live on this 15-day challenge. And I cannot wait to see you there. 

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