Most people want to learn how to become more productive and recognize the things that are getting in their way. I’m going to break down what I find helpful with productivity and what I’ve seen proven to work to absolutely explode your income as a real estate agent.
Hi, I'm Krista with Krista Mashore Coaching, and we teach real estate agents and mortgage officers how to dominate their industry by utilizing social media and video. But this is all about mindset right now. What I want you to do is this, and I'm going to be asking you a series of questions. This is kind of like a workshop that you're going to be going through with me.
Step One for Productivity Increase
The first thing I want you to do is to write down the things that you do in your business that are money-making activities. What things are you doing that produce the highest amount of income that gives you the biggest impact on your business? What activities do you do or should you be doing that is giving you the highest amount of output? Recognize that.
Then I want you to look at that every single day. I want you to put it on your computer, put it next to your bed, or even on the fridge. Read it before you go to bed at night, first thing in the morning and throughout the day. This will remind your brain of the things that you should be doing that give you the best output, the highest money-making productivity type of actions. This is recognizing the good things.
What is the Result?
Then think about when you do your money-making activities. Recognize and understand when you do the things that give you the highest output. Now, when you do these things and recognize them, you’re training yourself to do them more often. What happens when you do the thing that gives you more of what you're wanting, which is a better business, a better life, more time, more energy, and more freedom? What's the result of you doing more of the thing that gives you the biggest bang for your buck? I want you to write that down right now.
Thirdly, recognize what you need to do, or what can you do to do more of your highest money-making productivity activity? What can you do in your business, in your life every single day, to ensure that you do more of your highest money-making activity? Write down what you’re not currently doing.
If you do more of your money-making activity, now that you've recognized what that thing is, what is the outcome going to look like for you? What are you going to be able to accomplish? What are you going to be able to do? What's the outcome? What does your life look for when you do more of that thing?
Let’s use the example of real estate or lending. Most people get into real estate and lending because they want to have more financial freedom and time. They’re looking for a way to operate their business without it consuming them. However, real estate can be all-consuming if you don’t take steps to make your business operate efficiently.
What NOT to Do
The most common thing people let get in their way is fear. So you've identified now what that money-making activity is. Then, the next thing we’ll look at is the opposite. What is the biggest time-sucker? What are you doing that is prohibiting you from doing more of your biggest money-making opportunity? This is the thing that is ruining your productivity.
The reason this exercise is so important is that our brain has been built to help us succeed. And the more that we can realize things that we need to do to help us get the results, and we're telling our neurotransmitters to be more focused on that, the brain says, “Okay, let's do more of that.” I want you to really recognize that. SO now you’re able to recognize what doesn’t work, when you’re doing it, stop yourself from doing it, and recognize the result of not doing these activities.
Then think about what it costs you if you continue doing the time-wasting activity, and don’t do the time-saving activity. Is that hurting you? How is that inhibiting your growth? Does it stunt your personal development? Is it in your way of getting more financial freedom and time? Recognize that. What's the outcome of you not doing the thing? What's happening?
Now think about actions you can take to stop yourself from doing the time-sucking activities. Write down what you can do and what it will take for you do that consistently.
The thing about getting what you really want of your business is that you have to be willing to look at yourself. You have to be willing to change and self-evaluate, recognizing where you mess up.
What Self-Evaluation Looks Like for Productivity
About two years ago, I had to really take a big, good look in the mirror. I was doing great at coaching, my students loved me. However, my employees liked me, but it's like they were kind of afraid to talk to me about things. So I had to look at the mirror and tell myself that I wasn’t being a good leader.
I had two people that had issues. One of them was my director of human resources who's supposed to help me and protect me from exactly what happened. The other was my marketing director. We had an agreement that they wouldn't work with anyone else. But they were creating a business together while they were supposed to be working for me.
When I found out they that they were doing this I had to look in the mirror and go, “Krista, you caused this. You did this. If you were a better team leader, if you were a better boss, this would not have happened.”
I had to completely transform how I did business. I reevaluated how I treated my employees and what I expected of them. For that year I only focused on refinement and leadership. The result is that it significantly changed my business for the better, by recognizing what I was doing to hurt my business, and how I could change it.
And you know how I changed it? I decided that for every single team member, I'm going to value, respect, and appreciate them. I'm not going to be so hard on them and I'm going to adjust my expectations. Guess what happened? They started doing more, they increased their own productivity. I made it my goal for every single team member to love working for me, and they do.
And it has changed and transformed my business. But I had to be willing to take a look in the mirror and I had to be willing to change. So I am challenging you to do this activity, to take it seriously. Read it every morning, throughout the day, and at night. Remind yourself of the things that are the biggest money-making productivity activities that you can be doing. Remember the things you're doing that aren't the biggest money-making activities. Remind yourself what that outcome looks like. And I'll tell you for me, it’s multiplied my revenue by 600 my company. And it can happen if for you.