My multi million dollar listing process helps me close over 99% of listing presentations every time I meet with a seller.
What if you could win over sellers before you ever even show up to meet with them? That’s what I do almost every single time, and I’m going to teach you how. Anytime you're going after leads, what I want you to do is identify the one problem that people are facing. Then you create video content that explains how to solve that problem. For instance, right now a lot of people want to sell, but they're afraid that they're not going to be able to find a replacement property.
So instead of me trying to teach buyers how to get their offers accepted, I’ll focus on sellers. I'll teach them how to feel more comfortable actually selling their house. Before I ever even meet with sellers, I’m going to put information in front of them about how you can actually sell your house without becoming homeless. Because right now, as we know, there's limited inventory and there's bidding wars everywhere.
Once I’ve created video content on that subject, I market to people in my local area using Facebook ads. So people will watch a video about selling. One thing I pay attention to when they watch this video is how much of the video they're watching. If somebody's watching 50% or more of a video about selling, they're probably thinking about selling either right now or in the near future. Then I create an audience of those who have watched 50% or more and retarget them with another video about tips and tricks for selling during low inventory. Then from there after they've seen at least two videos, they will be targeted with a home valuation ad.
And then when they raise their hand to say yes, I know I've got them. Now, here's the thing. I always talk about winning before you arrive. When you create valuable video content, you get them to know you, like you and trust you. You are starting to win before you arrive because they're developing a relationship with you. That's what this listing process does.
At this point, they've already watched a couple of videos of my videos. So now when they go to my landing page and they're asked if they'd like a market analysis, I know I've already captured their attention. They most likely already like me or they wouldn't have called me to list. I know I've given them value, I've helped them and they've raised their hand to get information from me.
At this point I’ve done about 99% more than my competitors have done. My competitors are just running ads in the newspaper or sending out postcards. They're not doing anything to actually develop a relationship with people. So now somebody says, “I want to do market analysis, or I want to list with you.” So here's what I do next. Again, I'm trying to win the listing before I arrive and position myself as the expert.
If I'm generating seller leads that are requesting a home evaluation, I drop off and email their market analysis to them. I also include my book. Less than 1% of people around the world are authors. Probably less than about 0.001% of realtors or lenders are actually authors. So now I'm anothet step ahead.
This listing process isn't common. By doing what most people aren't, I position myself much better than my competitors. My marketing plan gets dropped off to them. If it's a listing presentation or if it's a CMA drop off, they get the entire CMA as well. I also email the book and drop off at the same time my market plan. My marketing plan talks about things that you normally wouldn't talk about, like tapping into the power of social media.
I include client testimonials and core values in there, but I also let them see what makes me different. For example, the marketing plan says “Tapping Into the Power of Social Media and Digital Marketing and the Internet”. “Premarket information to potential buyers currently searching with coming soon campaign. Virtual property tour added to your YouTube channel with description crafted to enhance search engine optimization. Target market paid advertisements on social media featuring the property tour, which generates over 50,000-plus views, comments, likes and shares and engagements.”
Another part is “Creating cookies on the back end of the marketing to capture target audience. Online syndication, that includes, Zillow, Trulia, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Craigslist, Homes by Krista, HotPad, Backpages, Oolx, and many, many more. Paid listing enhancements to keep your property in prime position on these sites. Weekly Facebook ad campaigns retargeting, local and out of there.”
It just goes on and on talking about things that most real estate agents are not talking about. This gets dropped off along with the book and along with this cover. Then I demonstrate how I can do better than competitors. “Sold for $60,000 over asking.” We show them what our listings are that we have coming soon and we show them why our marketing went for top dollar.
I also send them copies of my wonderful flyer so they can see how I actually market my homes.
In addition to that, they're also getting testimonials in their inbox and marketed to them online. So the idea is now these people are seeing that I've got happy clients and I know how to market. Then, to seal the deal I send them a 17-minute digital marketing presentation that talks all about all the unique marketing techniques I use for their homes that positions me very, very different from my competitors.
Remember, the reason why most of you are not getting your listings is because you're talking about outdated strategies. With this listing process I'm going in there and showing them why new techniques are important.
So if I can target people that were interested in a four-bedroom, two-bath home that were looking three to six months ago, they're probably more ready to buy now. And that's why our marketing is so effective. That's a much different conversation than what most people are having. We're talking about why open houses are ineffective. Why broker tours really don’t work for the seller, it works for the agent. And we're talking about things that people are not talking about. We're talking about social media, targeting, retargeting, education and everything that's in this book in this box does the exact same thing.
And that is how am winning about 99% of my listing presentations, without having to reduce commission or cut commission down.
People don't even ask. They say, “How much do you charge?” And we say, “6%” and they go, “That's it? Wow. Okay. Where do I sign?” But here's the cool thing. Before I even show up because of all this stuff I did before I got there, the book, the marketing plan, the listing presentation video, why the marketing video, how it affects their bottom line. This listing process won them over before we even walked in the front door.