You want to sell more homes, and faster. And you want more time.
Is this too much to ask? Does being a real estate agent mean you have to be constantly running around like crazy trying to sell more homes?
Everyone wants more time and money—more flexibility in their schedules to do the things we need or want to do.
And you probably got into the real estate business to have more time on your hands to focus on your hobbies, family or travel.
But now it seems like you’re just a gerbil running on an infinite wheel. You’re not having fun, not selling homes as fast as you want, and not making as much money as you’d like to.
Look, I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re constantly grinding with no end in sight. The real estate hustle is real. Never-ending showings, open houses, phone calls, frustrated buyers and sellers, paperwork, market trends—and everything in between.
How do you escape the real estate rat race?
I’ve got two simple but powerful methods that will help you sell more homes faster, and make (a lot!) more money.
So if you’re ready to take your real estate game to the next level, keep reading!
Take Back Your Time!
Everyone is given the same amount of hours in a day. But some learn to use it better than others. Successful agents are the ones who learn how to properly manage their time so they’re not a slave to their own schedules.
If you’re working nonstop—working nights, early mornings, working weekends, checking your phone during dinner with your family, nearly falling asleep at the wheel as you drive to another appointment—you need to figure out a way to break free from this vicious cycle.
I’m going to show that you can take back your time and take control of your real estate business.
And just like those dollars and cents, time needs to be budgeted.
The best time management method I’ve come across to budget your time is called the Pomodoro Technique.
(1) The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method where you pick one task and focus on it for 25 distraction-free minutes. It’s a way to use time blocks to give yourself more focus and get more done. It was invented in the 1990s by Francesco Cirillo, a developer and entrepreneur.
The Pomodoro Technique means…
- No smartphone sitting at your desk staring up at you, just begging you to check the latest social media posts
- No phone calls interrupting your time block
- No quick check-ins with your neighbor
- No distractions of any kind stealing your productivity
Start by buying a Pomodoro timer on Amazon or wherever you can find one. Kitchen timers or egg timers also work well. These special timers are a fantastic way to set yourself up for success. They’ve become my superpower and using this method is a big reason I’ve been so successful in real estate.
Let’s see how to use the Pomodoro Technique to take control of your time.
Put Your Phone Away!
Quick warning: Do not use your phone for your timer.
Why? Because you’ll just end up checking it. We all do. It’s too strong of a pull. Studies have shown that even having your smartphone within reach or eyesight has a negative effect on your ability to focus.
Put your phone on silent or airplane mode and put it in a drawer or in the other room.
We’ve all tried to get things done with our phones around. But this just doesn’t work. I’m guilty of this, and I’m sure you are, too.
If you’re really serious about selling more homes and having more time, creating a distraction-free environment to work is crucial.
Why Does the Pomodoro Technique Work?
The Pomorodo Technique is a way to work with your brain, not against it. It’s like the difference between paddling a canoe downstream versus upstream. Instead of fighting a strong current, the current is actually pushing you toward your goal.
When you’re trying to multitask, you’re actually working against the natural way your brain functions.
This is because every time you divert your attention from doing one thing to something else, research shows that it takes you between 16-23 minutes to get back to the original task. That’s a lot of time lost!
But you might say, “Krista, I’m really good at multitasking!”
Here’s the reality. Multitasking is a myth. The human brain is a powerful creative engine, but it has limits. When you’re trying to multitask, you’re actually fighting the way your brain naturally works and you end up getting less done in the long run.
Research has proven that the more you multitask, the harder it actually is to stay on task.
How to Use the Pomodoro Technique
Here’s how I’ve used the Pomodoro Technique to get more done.
Staying on task means you do one thing at a time for a 25-minute or 30-minute increment. I like to do a 30-minute focused block of work so it’s easier to do once every hour. But you can do whatever works for you.
Here are the types of things you can do during the Pomodoro time block:
- Answer emails
- Write video scripts
- Record videos
- Call potential buyers or sellers
- Plan your week
- Research market trends
- Write or tweak Facebook ad campaigns
Remember, don’t jump between different things during this time. The goal is to not do 15 different things at once. Ignore all distractions. Just do one thing at one time.
Pick one category in the list above (or whatever list you create for your workflow) and only do those things. Take 30 minutes and only answer emails. Or spend 30 minutes creating custom home lists for your area, or writing Facebook ads.
After you finish your first time block, take a 3-5 minute break. Walk around, answer some texts, refill your coffee—step away from whatever you were working on.
Then you set your timer for another block and you can start back into the same thing you were doing before. Or if you finished it, you can pick the next item on your list.
Four of these 25-minute segments, with a short break, equal one full Pomodoro. This means you will have spent two solid hours of focused time on just one or two things. Imagine how much more you can get done if you work like this!
During your workdays, you want to do as many Pomodoro segments as you can.
I’d like to challenge you to at least try this. Shoot for two full Pomodoros a day. This would be eight 25- or 30-minute sections. Even if you break them up, you’ll be amazed at how much more time you’ll get back and how your real estate business takes off.
How to Handle Distractions
Now, you’re going to think of things you just NEED to do during these time blocks. Guaranteed!
Here’s how to handle that. Simply write it down for later and go right back to the task you were doing. Your goal is to take control of your time and not be tossed to and fro between random tasks that might not help you achieve your goals.
If you start doing this, you’re training your brain to work in these blocks. You’ll quickly become less distracted by those other things. It will just start to become how you work. In other words, the more you do the Pomodoro, the better you’ll get at it.
This method is all about self-discipline. Hold yourself accountable and you’ll get way more done!
The Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique
Research shows that if you do a Pomodoro technique, you will save an average of 16 hours per week by doing this. This is why I call it a superpower. You’ll have that much more time than the other agents out there who aren’t leveraging this technique.
Here are some of the other benefits you’ll enjoy with the Pomodoro method:
- You won’t have as many ups and downs in your real estate business because you’re going to be more consistent in how you get your work done.
- You’ll be able to talk to more people because you’re calling more leads and won’t be distracted with other things.
- Your brain is going to have more time to fully focus and really be productive. You’ll get more done instead of feeling like a crazy-town real estate agent or lender.
But besides the Pomodoro Technique, there’s one more method I use to sell more homes and free up more time.
The THRIVE Method
Success isn’t just about setting a special timer and getting better at time management. It’s also about cultivating the right attitude and mindset.
That’s where the THRIVE method comes in.
T.H.R.I.V.E. stands for:
- Thanks
- Happy
- Resourceful
- Immediate action
- Visualize
- Expect
Let’s break this down further to see how you can put this method to use in your own real estate practice.
T = Thanks
Give thanks! I force myself to find something to give thanks for that happened during my day or in my life.
Research shows that when you’re thankful for something, the positive effects from that last two full weeks after you took the time to be thankful. Incredible!
H = Happy
I literally make myself be happy. I find something to smile or laugh about. When you do this, dopamine is released and I want to train my brain to be successful and happy.
R = Resourceful
I tell myself that I am resourceful. That I have everything I need to be successful. You’ll be amazed at how just this one practice can turn around your entire outlook on your life and business.
I = Immediate action
Take immediate action. This one’s a big deal.
So many people are just thinking about taking action. But they don’t actually do anything about it. They’re in a mode where they are just getting ready. They’re aiming. They never fire! They’re stuck in paralysis by analysis. They don’t take action on what they want to do.
If you want to be successful, you need to create a bias toward action. Train yourself to take immediate action on things.
And don’t let fear hold you back. Even if you fail, that’s totally okay. You’re failing forward, because you’re learning lessons and how to modify or adjust the thing that you did wrong. The greatest failure is not taking action to build the kind of life you want and deserve.
V = Visualize
This is where I visualize me being successful. See myself where I want to be in the future.
It’s been proven that the neurons in our brains actually don’t know the difference between what we think about and things we actually do. So I visualize the success and the results that I want.
E = Expect
The last part is when I expect that everything will happen with energy and enthusiasm. I expect that everything I visualize will actually come about.
If you do this THRIVE practice in between your 30-minute Pomodoro block, it only takes about 30-60 seconds. Think about how well you’re training your brain to work for you. Giving gratitude, smiling, taking immediate action—these will all bring positive effects.
This stuff works! Try it. I guarantee you will start to see a difference—even on just the first day.
So if you want to sell more homes with more free time, use the Pomodoro Technique and my THRIVE method. And remember to always smile when you’re doing it!
How to Become an Unstoppable Real Estate Agent
I don’t want you to just survive as a real estate agent. I want you to THRIVE!
If you’re ready to really level up your real estate career, check out my 3-day digital marketing mastery class. It’s a virtual event that offers tips and tricks like what we covered here to give you the tools to succeed in real estate.
I’ve spent over 20 years buying and selling thousands of homes and I know what it takes to master the game of real estate. My seminar will show you how to become a top 1% real estate agent and dominate your markets.
Sign up for my next 3-day mastery class! Invest in yourself and your future.