Real estate is a competitive business, and if you want to stay ahead of the competition, it’s important to continuously invest in strategies that will help grow your business.
Whether you are just starting or have been in the real estate game for years, there are always options and strategies to amp up your real estate business.
In this article, you’ll learn strategies from one of the best realtors in the country, Krista Mashore. These four proven strategies come from her 17 years of experience in the field and are sure to help you become an unstoppable real estate agent just like her.
Why Mashore?
As a member of the top 1% of coaches nationwide and a top 1% real estate agent for 20 years, Krista Mashore is nothing short of a real estate powerhouse. She has written five best-selling books on digital marketing and was named by Yahoo Finance as one of the top digital marketing experts in 2021.
In addition, she joined Tony Robbins as one of Success Magazine’s 125 Most Impactful Leaders of 2022. Forbes, Inman, The Wall Street Journal, NBC News, Fox and so many more have featured her work, and her fanbase is only growing!
Mashore’s 4 Strategies
These four strategies come from an episode of Mashore’s podcast, F.I.R.E.D. Up, titled: “4 Strategies to Amp Up Your Real Estate Business Ep. (791)”. You can learn more about the podcast on Google Podcasts or at Mashore’s website.
1. Amplify Your Property Listings
There are many ways to amplify your listings that you should employ to get more potential clients, both buyers and sellers, especially if you’re doing things differently than anyone else. In Mashore’s opinion, the best way to get ahead and stay ahead is by putting your listings online.
“It is a digital age right now,” Mashore says. “So it’s absolutely crucial that you develop a really strong online portfolio because you will reach not just people who know you already, but a much broader audience.”
“So, when you promote your listings effectively online, utilizing listing platforms, you can attract more buyers,” Mashore adds. “So what do I mean by this? I mean you need to pay to get attention. You need to pay to play!”
With this statement, Mashore suggests that not only do you list online, but that you make sure to advertise your listings on these platforms. Digital ads are found in every corner of the internet, so creating a digital marketing strategy is a great use of your advertising budget.
“Ask yourself this question:” Mashore poses. “‘In 2023, are people really wanting to waste their time looking at open houses?’ The answer most likely is no. I know it’s more fun to do at times, but real, serious buyers – they are all over the internet looking for properties. So, when you pay for attention, for you and for your listings, you are going to see that your business can absolutely explode within 6-12 months.”
2. Follow Up with Buyers and Sellers
It’s easy to build a relationship with your potential clients when you’re talking to them, but how about when they leave your open house?
They can easily get scooped up by another agency that takes the time to nurture that relationship.
“Here’s what I see people do all the time:” Mashore states. “They will market, but then they don’t follow up. You have got to follow up – nurturing is absolutely key, and it does take a little bit of time because people don’t just wake up all of the sudden one day and say, ‘I’m gonna buy a house today!’, right? There’s a process that has to happen.”
“So you want to be able to nurture buyers and sellers,” Mashore emphasizes. She goes on to talk about how important it is to cater your content to all sides of the real estate market. “The more your marketing speaks directly to somebody, the more you will convert.”
You should be thinking about who you want to target with a campaign and make sure your content is tailored to them.
One of the things that helped Mashore and her agency became successful in the real estate industry while maintaining a personal touch as it grew was a Customer Relationships Manager (CRM).
“What this does is this actually helps you talk to your leads.” Mashore goes on to discuss how her CRM helps automate a lot of tasks that would normally be time-consuming and allows her to be in multiple places at once, such as by using her voice to answer customer calls or automating email responses.
However, Mashore believes you shouldn’t completely rely on your CRM or AI systems: “The one thing that’s really really crucial is that you never want to take yourself out of the equation. Even though you have a great CRM, even though you create great content, you still have to put yourself in there. Pick up the phone, call people, call people back, and stuff like that.”
If you don’t have a CRM, Mashore is offering a thirty-day free trial to the Mashore Method, which comes with training and implementation help to make sure things go as smoothly as possible.
3. Create Community Marketing Videos
You may have heard of community marketing videos or real estate marketing videos, but Mashore has a few ways that you can take your videos up a notch.
“You want to start making content that does nothing but whole value for your audience. Serve, not sell,” she says. “So, what do I mean by this? Well, you can’t just base your content on how many homes you’ve sold or listed because people want to know more. What you wanna do is you wanna provide content that actually is valuable for them and for answering questions that people are actually looking for when they go online.”
“Everybody’s curious about what’s happening in the real estate market,” Mashore states. “You wanna start telling people about what’s happening in the market.”
Mashore goes on to talk about how so many people (probably including yourself and other members of her target audience) take flyers or write down realtor names and information for houses on the market in their neighborhood just because they’re curious about the price.
“Did you know one of the very best, the most watched shows on television are reality TV shows, and they also are real estate reality TV shows?” Mashore states. “Because people love real estate.”
Essentially, Mashore is stating that this is a popular market, especially right now, and with the right tools, you can get in on some of that popularity.
“Anytime anybody thinks about real estate, they need to be thinking about you,” Mashore says. “How do you do that? By creating content that
- speaks directly to somebody,
- that solves problems,
- answers their questions,
- and gets them closer to where they wanna go.”
“Your job,” Mashore believes, “Is to become a marketer who uses education and content to bridge the gap from where people are to where they want to go. Serve, don’t sell. Marketing is attraction, and when you use educational-based content that’s helping buyers and sellers and talking to them about anything and everything community-related and real estate-related, you are going to see people absolutely love your content.”
4. Utilize Digital Marketing
As stated previously, marketing is key, and now more than ever, real estate professionals have to utilize digital marketing to be seen by a wider audience of potential clients.
“It is imperative that we talk about this because this is going to actually strengthen your visibility online,” Mashore states. “Like I said before, the internet is the power right at our fingertips. It is actually crucial that we utilize digital marketing to establish a very robust presence, and it's going to be a game-changer for your business.”
Social media posts are quickly becoming the first and sometimes the only place where people are coming across advertisements. “People are scrolling through social media for hours and hours,” Mashore says.
“Think about this: when you go out to eat – it’s pretty sad – what’s everyone doing? They’re on their phones, right?”
But how does that impact you and your real estate agency?
“Ask yourself this question:” Mashore poses. “When somebody is scrolling at night, are they seeing you, or are they clicking on your competitor? Are they seeing you, or are they going to Zillow?”
There are a few ways to fight this, according to Mashore. “You want to show up on the platforms where people are, and you do this by putting a marketing dollar behind it and paying for some attention.”
She recognizes the fact that there are more “organic” ways to gain traction, like posting your community marketing video to YouTube. “But what I always say is if you want some fast results, you don’t just want to do organic – you want to pay for more attention.”
“Make sure that you are uploading all your listings, all of your market updates on as many platforms as possible so that you get seen everywhere. This is gonna keep you on top of peoples’ minds,” Mashore advises.
Her biggest secret that she tells agents at all stages of their careers is to “start utilizing video content and creating educational videos as often as possible. And you wanna publish them on the social media platforms where your people are hanging out.”
However, social media is a rapidly changing medium and it’s hard to keep up with new apps, updates, and more, especially for those who aren’t tech-savvy.
Mashore anticipates that many people will be held back by this: “You might be thinking, ‘Well, Krista, there’s too many platforms. I don’t know how to do them all.’ Here’s what I always tell people: pick one. I say, learn it, implement it, master it, repeat it.” She says that following this simple set of steps over and over is key to mastering social media.
But you don’t have to feel pressure to keep pressing forward and learn every social media platform inside and out – Mashore didn’t: “In fact, I just used Facebook ads for years and years and years. I made millions of dollars as a real estate agent just utilizing Facebook. Now that I’ve mastered that and I have more of a team and I have more help, you can see right now we’re on YouTube, we’re on TikTok, we’re on Reels. But I didn’t start out that way.”
To sum things up, Mashore states: “So remember: the idea is for you to be constant top of mind because you’re consistently – what’s that word again? – consistently posting valuable content on all of the platforms.” And don’t learn one and forget another – always keep learning and adapting!
Learn More from Krista Mashore!
To sum things up, the best strategies to amp up your real estate business are:
- Amplify Your Property Listings
- Follow Up with Buyers and Sellers
- Create Community Marketing Videos
- Utilize Digital Marketing
You can learn about these strategies and so much more with Mashore through her F.I.R.E.D. Up podcast, featuring short-form content like this episode or long-form content where she sits down with special guests from all sides of the industry. You can listen and learn more about the podcast on Google Podcasts, and you can subscribe to be sure you have access to the latest content.
You can also keep up with Mashore through her website, Facebook, and Instagram pages. They’re all great examples of how you can market yourself and your agency in fun, eye-catching, and memorable ways.
Learning from Mashore in other ways is easy, too! She offers Unstoppable Agent Masterclasses, where you’ll learn tips and tricks directly from Mashore and have the chance to win even more bonus content from her. Or, you can take advantage of the free resources on her website, like a mini course, the first chapter of her book, and more!