Krista Mashore is among the top 1% of realtors nationwide. With 20 years in the business, she has personally sold over 2,200 homes averaging 100+ homes a year every year for 20 consecutive years!
She is a former teacher with a Masters Degree in curriculum and instruction. Krista is the author of four best selling books focusing on her digital marketing tactics.
Krista recently took her coaching business, from zero to 8 figures in just 35 short months using her online digital strategies. She is the recipient of SIX prestigious Two Comma-Club Awards and one Two Coma Club X Award. Krista loves serving people and has turned her attention to sharing the secrets of her success to professionals across the nation within this accelerator!
Krista is revolutionizing the ways real estate professionals market themselves online! She offers an innovative step-by-step approach on how agents can gain a massive digital footprint and become the go to authority in their industry!